Living a life of purity

We are faced with a daunting task of living a life of purity and chastity, the world today leads us and open us to the idea of liberalism and immorality. While the world is teaching us with ways of the world, we need people who live and stands for the cause of life, the cause of living for life, and the conviction of living a life that is devoted to the right based on the teaching of Christ.

We are blessed to have the life that we have, God made things possible for us, so that we may live the life that we are living today. Though we are assured of this, we also have to bear in our minds and heart that a lot of people are missing this point. We need people who are willing to stand for the cause of purity. We should be living example of that conviction.

We are called to manifest and claim the original intent of God in accordance to His purpose in us, we are created in His own image and likeness (Genesis), our design is to live holy lives for God, may we respond to that holiness by living a life of purity. Lets us preserve the gift of sexuality, so that the world may see, that it is possible, that there is value in waiting, that everything has its time and purpose in His perfect time.
We are called to a life of purity and chastity!

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