Workers in the Vineyard

We are all privileged workers in the vineyard of the Lord. We are little in many ways, imperfect and unworthy, but what really amazed me is the fact that despite this limitations that we have, the Lord always gives us the opportunity to be part of His great work. He made things possible for you and me. Now, the challenge is the call to fidelity and perseverance, to remain faithful and rooted in the word of God, to persevere and pursue the call towards the call of experience fullness to eternity, we are called to live out the life with the Lord manifested on each ones vocation. Once we said yes to God He is already in control and the invitation is for us to have a deeper and intimate relationship with Him. When we give ourselves totally to the Lord, we are responding in love, the love that we also have received and experience because of His death on the Cross. Today, may you live according to His will, mindful of the assurance that God is with us. May today be an experience of deep and personal love manifested in the way we recognized blessings and graces that only comes from Him. May todays faith journey be a journey of love, sharing that love to those we meet especially the poor. Have a great and Christ centered day!

Claim it!

The promise is being fulfilled! We all have dreams and desires, we pray and wanted God to do wonders in our prayers. We seek Him and offer our prayers and petition to Him. Today, i was reminded of that promise, today i was reminded that not only He say promises, but He also fulfills it! He is the our great promise keeper! He knows our greatest desires, He knows what is perfect and right for us all in His perfect time. Today, let us claim Gods promise, we claim it with joy knowing that He alone knows!

Live Christ and Share Christ

We are called on mission. We are missionaries in every aspect of our lives. The Lord has made us with a special purpose, His desire is for us to be happy, for us to discover and enjoy life to its fullest. We are design to be like Him, we are called to holiness, we are created in the very image of Christ, and in that image should bring us confidence that we are great and wonderful in every aspect of life. We are called to live like Him, to witness and manifest Him in the day to day life, to respond in every circumstance the way that He would respond, to treat others the way Jesus treated us, in love and friendship, we are called to evangelized like Him, to witness and share the goodness and promise of the Lord, to share His works and words in every opportunity possible. He is a God of love and promise, and not only that He loves, He also fulfills His promise. May today be an opportunity to share Him to others and to witness and live for Him.

We are wheats

Just landed here in NY. Truly i gift to be on mission. We are blessed that wherever we go in the world, we have brothers and sisters who can give us a place to stay and experience comfort. Community life is both a gift and a reward. Just like me, we all desire to experience the goodness of the Lord, to make other people experience and recognized the everyday bounty of God, for people grow in that love and desire to give oneself in the service for the master. To grow in developing that relationship with have with Him every single day. We are called to be wheats, to be that witness to others, to manifest His love and mercy everyday.May todays journey be truly pleasing to the Father, may we truly live out that call to be wheats amongst the weeds. May today be a day of love and abundance!

He is alive

It has been a wonderful weekend. I thank the Lord for the great opportunity to serve here in the USA for CFC FFL, truly a blessing to be an eyewitness to the many miracles that is happening in the lives of brothers and sisters. God has been moving and true gratefulness is seeing those works that He is doing and letting other people see and experience that great work and miracle through love and witnessing. We have a God who journeys with us, He is involved and alive in our life. He wants to continue to affirm us of that constant message of love. Today, i share with all of you that message i receive from him, the invitation to "COME" and experience Him, and the direction to "GO" and share Him to every person that we meet. May today be an opportunity to encounter Him even more, and in this encounter we grow deeper in our love of Him manifested in the kind of respond with give to Him and to His people.