Surrendering All

Life devoted to God is all about surrender. The word in Luke 21:1-4 speaks about the old widow giving her all for God, everything that she has, and everything that she have, total devotion to God, dependence knowing that she has a God who will provides. Knowing that she has a God who will give to her what is due her.

While the others have in plenty, the old widow has more, for she gives everything that she have. Today, I was reminded of that kind of conviction, I was reminded of how it is to be for God and in God, giving our all, acknowledging that what we have is His. Giving till it hurts, giving till it bleeds, finding joy in giving everything for the great God.

How many times God has given us what is due us? Blessings, resources, and gifts that we don’t even deserve. But despite our sinfulness, God blessed us with plenty, evaluate your life today, recognized the many things God has blessed you with, the many things He his giving and still have to give.

May today be a day of realizing that I have more to give, realized that what I have is His, for He is the giver and maker of what I have, may we be able to give to Him what is due Him, with joy and gratefulness, for He is the God that deserves our all.

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