Dreams makes us young, Vision keeps us going

We are blessed enough to have rooms to dream. I always consider myself a dreamer; I aspire for a lot of things in life, stuff that I wish I have, places that I wish to see and visit, materials that I dreamed to possess. Most of our motivation is bounded by the kind of dream that we want to achieve. While dreams makes us younger all the time, where sky is the limit, where the freedom of desiring for something is always there and within our grasp, we also have to settle and be more convicted in making each dream a reality. One way of doing it is setting direction in our lives, setting ways of motivating ourselves to claim and achieve every single aspiration that we have and most importantly, setting our own vision in claiming our desires, and achieving our goals, vision that can make us check ourselves on the kind of disposition that we have, our hearts posture, relationship with people, and living a life that is anchored on that Vision. Vision keeps us going, it makes us excited everyday, seeing every opportunity an opportunity for growth. God has showed us His Vision to us, for us to live a life to the full, Jeremiah 29:11 “ for I know well the plans I have for you, says the Lord, plans for your welfare not for woe, plans to give you a future full of hope” and He has showed us an example and witnessing how it should happen and how it should be done, a Vision and desire founded on love, humility and belief, giving value to each one of us, for we are His, and His desire is for us to be His.
May through that example, we become like Him everyday, for the Vision to not only be for our own betterment, but for the betterment of the people around us. May His example be our greatest motivation in achieving our goals, aspiration and desire. May every opportunity be an opportunity to make that Vision happen.

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