Building for Others

“Those who love God, loves to give”, last Saturday CFC FFL WWP through the partnership with Lyceum of the Philippines represented by Peter Laurel, Lyceum President, and Nash and Jen Pantangco, Owner of JPantangco Builders turned over 7 units of Homes to 7 families and a School for the kids of RV Sotero Laurel in Batangas City. It was an event where those who are very much blessed by God shared becomes a blessing to those who are in need. The event was full of joy and rekindled hope for those brethren who receive new homes for their families. We are all blessed by God, we are called to be brothers keepers where everyone would receive gifts and graces that is due to them. We are called to live a life that is centered and focus on Him, we are called to share Him through the actions that we do, living His words manifested in the kind of life that we live in. The turn over of houses and school in RV Sotero Laurel is just one of the concrete way to show to everyone that when we learn to appreciate what we have, and recognized the one who shares and gives all of this blessing, we get to share it to other people especially for those who are in need. We all have something to give.

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