“ It is too little, he says, for you to be my servant, to raise up the tribes of Jacob, and restore the survivors of Israel; I will make you light to the nations, that my salvation may reach to the ends of the earth” Isaiah 49:6
We are called for greater challenge and responsibility, which goes beyond ourselves. After realizing that we are called, that we have the task to speak about Him and that we are invited to draw our strength from Him, it is time to respond. We have been Raised, Restored, and now are tasked to Reach out!
God Raised us as individuals, and in His appointed time, called us to Himself, “ He made me sharp-edged sword and concealed me in the shadow of His arm. He made me a polished arrow, in His quiver He hid me” Isaiah 49:2. In our journey with the Lord, there have been many ups and downs which may have taken a toll on us, some back-slid and went back to there old self and ways. Yet, in His goodness, despite our stubbornness have kept us to Himself---sharpening us and polishing us, and restoring us, “ You are my servant, he said to me, Israel, through whom I show my glory” Isaiah 49:3. We are called to reach out. We do not live our Christian lives just by ourselves, by just being inward looking. God intends to use His people as His servants, to be His instrument in reaching out to many others.
We have a Strong God …. we are made Strong…. to be His Strong Witness!
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