That our economy is different from God`s economy...

Often times, i would caught myself having a hard time to budget the resources that i have, and often times i would ask God...

As missionaries, we are sometimes, if not all the time bug down by the question of what the future would be, with few resources, which is most of the time the question, and little that we know, it makes us slow in our desire to give our all to God, in one way or another, it makes us grow lack in zeal and passion, because we are bounded by the many practical questions that we are facing, and often times, we would caught ourselves having a complaining heart, forgetting the generous God that can give everything for us, and the generous God that is giving everything for us.

The past days i was reflecting on this, and come to realized, that when we give our all to God, it should not be bounded, but instead boundless, it should not be limited, but instead unlimited, and that includes everything of us. Knowing God`s economy and not ours is making ourselves in full trust and surrender to God, knowing His economy is recognizing the many wonderful opportunity and graces that He is giving to us, knowing His economy and not ours makes us obedient to give more, shed more, devote more and surrender more to the limitless God.

Our greatest gift is knowing that we are serving a great master, the Great I AM who is just, and righteous. Let this be our greatest gift, treasure and reward..

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